Seriously it does. I have Mono. I asked the Doc yesterday why it hurt to breath. He asked where it hurt and then I told him down at the very bottom of my ribs, by my waist, on my left side. He then asked me to lay down on the table so he could poke me. He determined that because I have mono my spleen is enlarged.
Doctor cautioned me to not do any crazy activities, like play contact sports or go skiing, or let anyone shove a tuba in my side. riiiight, like those are a problem for me. And then I called Andrew to tell him the joyous news. I told him he is not allowed to tickle me. He thought I was kidding. Then I told him, "No, seriously, my spleen could burst." Andrew stopped laughing when I said that. Haha, it's kind of funny to pull that one on people. I mean, as long as I don't let anyone hit my left side, I'll be fine. But, oh the over dramaticness of telling people my spleen might burst. haha, good times.
But truly, it does hurt. My side is a little tender. I asked my mom how I could know if my spleen had burst, and she said I would die from bleeding to death in a couple of minutes. wow. Ok, priority 1: Don't let your spleen burst. Priority 2: get my eyes to not be so puffy.
So my eyes are ridiculously puffy. They look similar to an 80 year old Asian woman's who isn't getting enough sleep. The bridge of my nose is twice as wide as it should be, and my lids are folding over themselves, sort of, because there is so much fluid in them. Ucky. I pretty much can't open my eyes very much, and definitely don't want Andrew to see me. I couldn't care less about anyone else. I've tried taking anti-histamines and putting ice packs on them. Neither of which are helping. it's seriously gross... must find a solution. Bonus though, when wearing my glasses it helps cover up the puffiness. But rather frustrated that the Doc had no idea why they were puffy and said to just chalk it up to some kind of allergic reaction....
Also, my neck is swollen beyond reason. The lymph nodes (?) are probably like twice the size they should be. I have developed a triple chin. ok, maybe not, but really, they are large. I can tell just by looking at them that they fighting off this death virus.
Also, where on earth did I get this from!? I just am baffled. I only kiss one person, and he doesn't have mono. (As far as he knows.) I don't really practice sharing spoons, cups or other saliva covered things with other people. I'm not a germaphobe, but I am generally cautious. I guess I wasn't careful enough. Maybe a sick person sneezed on me.... Anyway, either way, this is lame. Gotta go get some more vitamins, I guess.
This too shall pass. eventually. :) Don't worry, I'm still optimistic about life.