So, on Friday night I got out of the temple a little early, 9:30. And Andrew never responded to my invites to do something, so I called Jessica. Yes. It was good. I drove over to her place, which is somewhere on campus, but I don't remember what it is called. Jessica came down and let me in the building. She was wearing her nice blue CA shirt. and plaid shorts. Liked it. And then we went up to her room to pick out a movie. I chose....Dirty Dancing. I had never seen it. And true to the title, there was dirty dancing. We then went down to the basement and got comfy on those over used couches. eh, the movie,it was....good. Probably never watch it again. I mostly enjoyed the quality time with Jessica. Lots of treats and ranting about dumb boys and here's my favorite line from the night. "Check out the fish on her [shorts]!" haha! and really, that girl was the worst singer ever! I almost covered my ears. Then, after the movie was over I got up to use the bathroom and saw the opened supply closet. Inside I found, stacks of mattress covers and a mini basket ball shoot... thing. So, Jessica and I spent the next 20 mins shooting baskets at 1 AM. And I am better than Jessica. But not by a lot. We both decided that Marie would have kicked our butts. I was good at 3 pointers. Then I climbed on the built in shelves. found a sharpie marker. Then I really had to go. Anyway, it was a fun, random evening. Thanks Jessica.
Sorry it's been so long since I've posted. Work, BIO class and boyfriend, they take up a lot of time. I am doing this during my break at work, as it is. gotta do what you gotta do.
1 week ago
Loved it. And the fish was on her crotch. :)
ha ha ha. I am so jealous that you guys got to spend that time together. miss you guys!
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