Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Here is a sampling of the goings on in the morning at apartment 17.

-"It's my secret Gospel Choir indulgence"

- First awkward moment of the day
" Uh... Jessica, can you do me a favor?" Says the person in the shower.
With an uncomfortable tone in her voice Jessica responds, "yes....?"

- I hear the door slam closed. Rebecca walks in and tells us that the kitchen towels still stink, "I almost barfed when I smelled them."

- "So do you think this is good enough for my ID picture?"


Jessica said...

What's so interesting about my ID comment? I have to carry that thing around in my back pocket for the next three years! I better look dang good in it! People have to look at that!

Anonymous said...

you captured the morning perfectly. and I did almost barf. did you smell those things?