I've learned...
if you don't want to talk to anyone put your earphones in or stare at your cell phone.
if you miss the 833 you might as well walk, because it won't be coming round for another hour
if you want to annoy the bus driver then just wait until the last second to pull the stop request
there are some really nice people out there.
there are some strange people out there.
a lot of your life can be wasted as you wait for the bus
if you run as fast as you can in the 20 degree weather with a 20 pound back pack to the bus stop, the driver just might be entertained enough to wait for you.
there is 10 plus years of germs on the seats you sit on
they don't always put the heaters under the seats right by the doors. ?
some bus drivers are more punctual than others
if you walk 20 minutes to the bus in 17 degree weather at 7 Am on Saturday, you should wear long-Johns
I really wish the seats at the transit center were not made of cement
having a best friend to text while you're sitting on the bus is really handy
if you actually talk to someone (or to your phone) on the bus, you're usually the only ones, and the whole rest of the bus can hear your conversation.
that eventually you'll memorize the bus schedule
1 week ago